does apple cider vinegar make you poop
Vinegar has always been an important ingredient in the kitchen and our food. Especially when it comes to digestion, apple cider vinegar is
known for improved digestion. As Apple has high levels of pectin that allows the food to pass the digestive passage easily. Thus, it boosts the overall process of digestion and makes you poop.
Knowing that apple cider vinegar is great for digestion, there are a number of things that need to be kept in mind before actually using
it. Moderation is the key to use apple cider vinegar to its best.
Precautionary measures that need to be taken
Following are some precautionary measures you should take before using apple cider vinegar:
- If you are a diabetic patient, you need to consult your doctor before you opt for it. It can lessen the time for food to stay
in your body and can thus disturb insulin levels - If you are on antibiotics due to any reason, then you should consult your doctor before using this remedy
- ACV reduces the potassium levels in your body when being used for a long period of time
- If you’re suffering from osteoporosis or any other bone disease then you may avoid the use of apple cider vinegar as it can
cause you lose your bone density - Heart and blood pressure patients are advised to always consult a doctor before using ACV
Risks involved due to the abnormal usage of ACV
Apple cider vinegar comes with a lot of risks when used immoderately. Abnormal usage of ACV might be of any kind. Following are some risks involved with its excess usage:
- Using ACV undiluted can cause you severe diarrhea as it fastens the peristaltic movements inside the stomach to add to the pace
of regular digestion - Concentrated apple cider vinegar can pull out the water from your body making the stools more watery thus leaving your body
dehydrated - Good bacteria in your intestine responsible for digestion and immunity of your intestine can get killed by concentrated ACV
- Adding ACV to your diet for a long ongoing period can boost the risks of your body losing the balance of the chemicals inside
your body and this can turn out you to be in a medically dangerous position
Thus, apple cider vinegar actually makes your digestion process faster and that’s why it is said that ACV causes one to poop. The fact
actually relies in ACV to boost digestion mechanism but it should surely be taken under prescription. Also, the quantity, moderation and time period for which it is taken should be given serious attention.